In the central part, presiding over the altarpiece, we can see the polychrome wood carving of Saint John the Baptist, dressed in a camel-skin coat. The Saint carries a cross in his left hand and with his right he points to a lamb that is at his feet: "Look at the Lamb of God, look at the one who takes away the sin of the world." This lamb is the Agnus Dei, the Lamb of God. It refers to Jesus Christ in the role of his offering in sacrifice for the sins of men. The Jews sacrificed a lamb during the annual Passover commemoration; Jesus Christ is sacrificed on the Cross and takes away the sins of the world.
To the left of the image of Saint John is, on a corbel, the carving of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. This image carries a book in its left hand and what we assume must have been a staff in its right hand, although today it lacks the upper part. At the feet of the Saint, who wears the white habit of the Cistercians, there is a miter.
To the right of the head of the chapel, with a decoration identical to that on the other side, on a corbel, the youthful image of San Luis Gonzaga holding a cross. The saint died at the age of 23.
The altarpiece is from the 19th century. In 1841, 305 pounds were spent on the marbling of the altarpiece.
Above the image of Saint John the Baptist we find the niche containing Saint Lucia of Syracuse with a palm in her right hand, a symbol of her martyrdom, and a plate with her eyes on the left. Saint Lucia is the patron saint of the blind and seamstresses. In the first body of the altarpiece, just below the Ionic capital of a pilaster, the one on the far right, you can see a votive offering of Saint Lucia that remains as a witness of the great devotion that has been shown to the Saint.
The whole complex is Renaissance in style, although it is a 19th-century work.
On the left wall of the chapel we find the carving of the Nursing Madonna, who breastfeeds the Child Jesus. In Sóller she is known as the 'Mare de Déu de la mamella'.
On the right wall of the chapel there is an access door to the sacristy, opened at the beginning of the 20th century, due to the works carried out in the presbytery under the rectorship of Sebastián Maimó. Above the door we can see a large painting of Saint Catherine of Siena surrounded by scenes from her life.